‘Rio Verde’ was evaluated at four Texas locations in 2004 and two Texas locations in 2005. Forage production of ‘Rio Verde’ lablab was not different from Rongai in five of the six location-years and ranged from slightly more than 2.5 to 1.4 T/acre of dry forage at Overton and Dallas in 2004, respectively.

Location: Overton. Graph on right shows dry matter yield data at Overton for plots seeded on May 11. No irrigation was applied during this study. No significant differences between varieties in dry matter yield were detected. Test locations were: Overton, Dallas, Stephenville, and Beeville, Texas.

Location: Stephenville. Lablab and miscellaneous annual legume forage production (kg/ha dry matter yield) in 2004 is shown on the right. Other legumes tested were: cowpea, mungbean, and soybean.

Location: Overton. Leaf and stem protein of cowpea and lablab in 2005 is shown in graphs, above and below. No differences were noted between 'Rio Verde' and Rongai in leaf and stem protein percentage from two harvests. At the Sept. 8 and Oct. 25 harvests, leaf protein of 'Rio Verde' was 26% and 32%, respectively, and stem protein was 13% at both harvests.