Texas Ecoregions Map

This map shows the different ecological regions in the state of Texas.  Use the Key to Regions to see each region’s name.  The recommended legumes adapted to that region are listed in the table below the map. For more detailed information about annual vs. perennial legumes, cool-season vs. warm-season legumes, and others, read the article:  “ForageLegumesTexas” (PDF).


1. Piney Woods
2. Gulf Prairies/Marshes
3. Post Oak Savannah
4. Blackland Prairie
5. Cross Timbers/Prairie
6. South Texas Plains
7. Edwards Plateau
8. Rolling Plains
9. High Plains
10. Trans-Pecos

Source: Gould, F.W., Hoffman, G.O., and Rechenthin, C.A.  1960.
Vegetational areas of Texas, Texas A&M University.
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Leaflet No. 492.
Piney Woods: annual clovers, vetch, white clover, lablab, cowpea
Gulf Prairies and Marshes: white clover, lablab
Post Oak Savannah: annual clovers, vetch, white clover, cowpea, lablab
Blackland Prairie: annual medics, annual sweetclover, vetch,
white clover, lablab, rose clover
Cross Timbers and Prairies: lablab
South Texas Plains: lablab
Edwards Plateau: (not recommended for dryland plantings)
Rolling Plains: (not recommended for dryland plantings)
High Plains: (not recommended for dryland plantings)
Trans-Pecos: (not recommended for dryland plantings)

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